The black streaks that are found on many asphalt shingle roof's in the Midwest and throughout other parts of the country, are cause from an airborne algae. This algae usually first starts appearing on the north facing slopes where the prevailing amount of shade and moisture are present.
This algae can be removed by using a low pressure washing roof methods so no harm is done to the shingles. The major shingle manufacturers recommend this low pressure technique and also recommend certain cleaners to use.
Roof cleaning can cost a fraction of what it would cost to replace the roof, yet every year I see homeowners being mislead by uneducated roof contractors and being sold on replacing their roof's prematurely. This is equivalent to replacing your vinyl siding because it has mold and mildew on it, it just doesn't make sense.
Being educated about roof algae can save you thousands of dollars. Having the roof cleaned also ensures you get the full life out of your shingles. Roof algae diminishes the shingles ability to reflect heat and will lessen the longevity of the roof. If you are still skeptical, find a company that offers a power washing guarantee so you are willing to give them a chance.